Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Had an appointment at Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake City. The oncologist has said that the diagnosis from Hong Kong seems correct - lymphoblastic lymphoma. They are finalizing a review of all the scans and slides brought with us and will confirm in the next day. On Wednesday, Alex will be admitted to the hospital to begin preparation for treatment. We'll know more after another visit with oncologist on Tuesday.


  1. Wishing you well and thinking of you always Alex! Love the Wimbush Family

  2. We wish you all the best through this very tough time. You will all be in our prayers. I love a saying: "What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us". What you are experiencing in no tiny matter - but we are powerful as sons and daughters of God. Through tough times - sometimes we surprise ourselves with the amount of strenght that we have within us. Thank you for letting us share in your journey. The Osthed Family.

  3. I love you all and will there beside you through this journey--even if not in person. Alex, you were just a little one when I last saw you, but you, your brother and sisters are in my heart as if I had been with you guys all these years. I know your parents well and, therefore, feel that I know you well also. That is why I know you have the strength and the faith for this race. Love "Auntie" Martha

  4. Alex, we have a cheer in our family that we say to each other when we set off to accomplish something important and challenging. Sister Morey started it. It may be really tough or relatively easy, super challenging or just something that has to be done, way important because of the outcome or important just for the accomplishment. Whatever the mission, we like to encourage each other by saying: "Go! Fight! Win!" We love the title of your blog - It's Just Another Race To Win - one that is worthy of your runners' tenacity and determination. We agree with your "Auntie" Martha; you definitely have the strength and the faith for this incredible race. So, as the saying goes - Go! Fight! Win! Love, Bro. & Sis. Morey
